How to Tell the Difference Between Cooked Pork Liver and Beef Liver

HOMEMADE Canis familiaris Food: OVERVIEW

one. Feed your dog a wide variety of foods from dissimilar food groups.

2. Make certain you supplement your dog's homemade diet with calcium unless you feed raw compact bones.

three. Stick to lean meats and remove pare from the poultry y'all feed unless your dog is highly active.

4. Keep in mind that the less variety of foods you feed, the more of import supplements become.

5. Review your bootleg dog food diet programme with a veterinarian for approval.

In the past few issues of Whole Canis familiaris Periodical, I accept offered critiques on bootleg dog nutrient diets in order to accost the domestic dog's wellness concerns – or simply to optimize the dog'due south nutrition plan. To practise this, I analyzed the cooked and raw bootleg dog nutrient diets and compared them to the National Research Council'due south guidelines for canine diet. I want to be clear, though: I don't believe this is a requirement for feeding abode-cooked canis familiaris food. Just as with the diet y'all feed yourself and your family, feeding a broad diverseness of healthy foods in appropriate proportions should meet the needs of most healthy dogs. The best diet for dogs, in event, is a diverse diet.

Bug arise with how salubrious dog food is interpreted. Too often, people think that they're feeding healthy homemade domestic dog nutrient, when key ingredients may be missing or are fed in excess. Here's how to make domestic dog food at home, and specific guidelines to help ensure that the canis familiaris food nutrition you feed meets your private canis familiaris'southward requirements. Y'all do not want just one domestic dog food recipe to follow – you lot need several, and need to exist comfortable mixing and matching ingredients, for reasons explained below.

Complete and Counterbalanced Canis familiaris Food Diets

It's important homemade dog food is "complete and balanced," meaning it meets all of the dog's nutritional needs. It is not important, however, that every meal exist complete and balanced, unless you feed the same meal every day with little or no variation.

Dwelling house-prepared dog diets that include a wide variety of foods fed at dissimilar meals rely on balance over time, not at every meal. Similar to the mode humans consume, as long as your dog gets everything he needs spread out over each calendar week or two, his diet will be consummate and balanced.

Make Homemade Dog Food

A human nutritionist would never look someone to follow a single recipe with no variation, as veterinary nutritionists routinely do. Instead, a man would exist given guidelines in terms of food groups and portion sizes. As long as your dog doesn't have a health problem that requires a very specific diet, bootleg dog food should be the same manner.

For more on bootleg dog treats, meet "DIY Gifts for Dogs: Bootleg Dog Treats & Healthy Recipes."

Keep in mind that puppies are more susceptible to bug caused by nutritional deficiencies or excesses than developed dogs are. Large-breed puppies are particularly at gamble from too much calcium prior to puberty. See "Puppy Food: Nutritional Guidelines to Maximize Health," for more on puppy nutrition.


Following are guidelines for feeding a raw or cooked dwelling house-prepared diet to good for you dogs. No single blazon of food, such as craven, should ever brand up more one-half the diet.

Except where specified, homemade food for dogs tin be fed either raw or cooked. Leftovers from your table can be included as long equally they're foods you would consume yourself, not fatty scraps.

Meat and Other Animal Products: Should always make upwards at least half of the nutrition. A raw nutrition for dogs can be excessively high in fatty, which can atomic number 82 to obesity. Another potential hazard of diets containing too much fatty: If an owner restricts the amount fed (in order to command the dog'due south weight) too much, the dog may suffer deficiencies of other required nutrients.

Unless your canis familiaris gets regular, intense do, utilize lean meats (no more 10 percent fatty), remove peel from poultry, and cut off separable fat. Information technology'due south meliorate to feed nighttime meat poultry than chest, however, unless your canis familiaris requires a very low-fat diet.

Raw Meaty Bones (optional): If you choose to feed them, RMBs should brand upwards one third to 1 half of the total diet. Utilise the lower end of the range if you feed bony parts such as chicken necks and backs, but you can feed more if you're using primarily meatier parts such as chicken thighs. Never feed cooked bones. Read a full report on raw meaty basic here.

Boneless Meat: Include both poultry and cherry-red meat. Heart is a expert choice, every bit it is lean and often less expensive than other muscle meats.

Fish: Provides vitamin D, which otherwise should be supplemented. Canned fish with basic, such as sardines (packed in water, non oil), jack mackerel, and pink salmon, are good choices. Remove basic from fish you cook yourself, and never feed raw Pacific salmon, trout, or related species. You lot can feed small amounts of fish daily, or larger amounts once or twice a week. The total amount should be about one ounce of fish per pound of other meats (including RMBs).

Organs: Liver should make up roughly 5 percentage of this category, or well-nigh 1 ounce of liver per pound of other fauna products. Beef liver is particularly nutritious, only include craven or other types of liver at least occasionally besides. Feeding small amounts of liver daily or every other day is preferable to feeding larger amounts less often.

Make Homemade Dog Food

Eggs: Highly nutritious improver to any diet. Dogs weighing about 20 pounds can have a whole egg every mean solar day, simply requite less to smaller dogs.

Dairy: Plain yogurt and kefir are well tolerated by most dogs (endeavour goat'due south milk products if you run into problems). Cottage and ricotta cheese are also proficient options. Limit other forms of cheese, as almost are high in fat.

Fruits and Vegetables: While not a significant role of the evolutionary nutrition of the dog and wolf, fruits and vegetables provide fiber that supports digestive health, equally well as antioxidants and other benign nutrients that contribute to health and longevity. Deeply colored vegetables and fruits are the most nutritious.

Starchy Vegetables: Veggies such as potatoes, sugariness potatoes, and winter squashes (including pumpkin), too as legumes (beans), provide carbohydrate calories that tin can be helpful in reducing food costs and keeping weight on skinny and very agile dogs. Quantities should be limited for overweight dogs. Starchy foods must be cooked in club to be digestible.

Leafy Green and Other Non-Starchy Vegetables: These are low in calories and can be fed in any quantity desired. Besides much tin cause gas, and raw, cruciferous veggies such every bit broccoli and cauliflower tin suppress thyroid role (cook them if you feed large amounts). Raw vegetables must be pureed in a food processor, blender, or juicer in society to be digested properly past dogs, though whole raw veggies are not harmful and can be used as treats.

And while you're preparing these nutritious foods for your dog, consider boosting your own health past adding more than veggies to your diet too!

Fruits: Bananas, apples, berries, melon, and papaya are good choices. Avoid grapes and raisins, which tin cause kidney failure in dogs.

Grains: Controversial, equally they may contribute to inflammation acquired by allergies, arthritis, or inflammatory bowel illness (IBD); besides every bit seizures and other issues (information technology's not clear whether starchy vegetables do the same). Some grains comprise gluten that may cause digestive problems for certain dogs. Many dogs practice fine with grains, however, and they can exist used to reduce the overall cost of feeding a homemade diet.

Grains and starchy veggies should make upwards no more than one-half the diet. Good choices include oatmeal, dark-brown rice, quinoa, barley, and pasta. White rice can exist used to settle an upset stomach, particularly if overcooked with extra water, but it's low in diet and should not make up a large part of the diet. All grains must exist well cooked.


Some supplements are required in addition to natural food for dogs. Others may exist needed if you are non able to feed a multifariousness of foods, or if you go out out one or more than of the food groups above. In improver, the longer food is cooked or frozen, the more than nutrients are lost. Here are some dog supplements to consider:


Unless you feed RMBs, all homemade diets must exist supplemented with calcium. The amount constitute in multivitamin and mineral supplements is non enough. Requite 800 to 1,000 mg calcium per pound of nutrient (excluding not-starchy vegetables). You tin can utilise whatever grade of plainly calcium, including eggshells basis to powder in a clean java grinder (1/ii teaspoon eggshell powder provides about 1,000 mg calcium). Animal Essentials' Seaweed Calcium provides additional minerals, besides. And here is a adept list of calcium-rich foods your domestic dog may like. Only please annotation this list is for humans and includes orange juice, which is non a adept thing to give your dog as the acerbity can cause stomach upset.


Most homemade diets require added oils for fat, calories, and to supply detail nutrients. It's important to utilise the right types of oils, as each supplies different nutrients.

Fish Oil: Fish oil for dogs provides EPA and DHA, omega-iii fatty acids that help to regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. Requite an amount that provides about 300 mg EPA and DHA combined per 20 to thirty pounds of body weight on days you don't feed fish. Note that liquid fish oil supplements oftentimes tell yous to give much more than this, which can result in too many calories from fat.

Cod Liver Oil: Provides vitamins A and D too as EPA and DHA. If yous don't feed much fish, give cod liver oil in an amount that provides about 400 IUs vitamin D daily for a 100-pound canis familiaris (proportionately less for smaller dogs). Tin can exist combined with other fish oil to increment the amount of EPA and DHA if desired.

Plant Oils: If you don't feed much poultry fat, found in dark meat and skin, linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid, may be insufficient. Yous can use walnut, hempseed, corn, vegetable (soybean), or loftier-linoleic safflower oil to supply linoleic acid if needed. Add about one teaspoon of oil per pound of meat and other fauna products, or twice that amount if using canola or sunflower oil. Olive oil and high-oleic safflower oil are low in omega-6 and cannot exist used every bit a substitute, although small amounts tin can exist added to supply fatty if needed. Coconut oil provides mostly saturated fats, and can be used in add-on to merely not as a replacement for other oils.

Other Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to vitamin D discussed above, certain vitamins and minerals may be brusque in some homemade diets, particularly those that don't include organ meats or vegetables. The more limited the nutrition that you feed, the more important supplements become, only even highly varied diets are probable to exist light in a few areas.

Vitamin Eastward: All homemade diets I've analyzed accept been short on vitamin E, and the need for vitamin East increases when you supplement with oils. Besides much vitamin E, nonetheless, may be counterproductive. Give 1 to two IUs per pound of body weight daily.

Iodine: Too much or too piddling iodine can suppress thyroid office, and information technology'south hard to know how much is in the nutrition. A 50-pound domestic dog needs nigh 300 mcg (micrograms) of iodine daily. Kelp is high in iodine, though the amount varies considerably among supplements.

Multivitamin and mineral supplements: A multivitamin and mineral supplement will assistance to meet most requirements, including iodine and vitamins D and E, simply it'southward important not to over supplement minerals. If using the one-a-24-hour interval type of man supplements, such as Centrum for Adults under 50, give one per xl to 50 pounds of body weight daily. Note that most supplements made for dogs provide a reasonable amount of vitamins simply are low in minerals, and so won't make up for deficiencies in the diet. Be cautious with small dogs; I've seen some supplements that recommend the same dosage for 10-pound dogs every bit for those weighing 50 or even 100 pounds. In those cases, the dosage is commonly too high for the pocket-size dogs and should be reduced. Products made for humans are also inappropriate for small dogs.

Green Blends: Ofttimes containing alfalfa and various herbs, green blends may be particularly helpful if you don't include many green vegetables in your dog'due south diet. You lot tin can also use a pre-mix that includes alfalfa and vegetables, such as The Honest Kitchen's Preference. Note most pre-mixes also supply calcium, so you should reduce or eliminate calcium supplements, depending on how much of the pre-mix you use.

Mary Straus is the owner of Contact her via her website if you would similar to submit a diet to be critiqued.


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